
Stream Day! Enjoy a walking event, photographic Gymkhana and hot chocolate

Research Group in the Regeneration of Intermediate Landscapes (UIC Barcelona) and the University of Girona's Institute of the Environment. Espai Jove el Toc (Caldes de Montbui) // Espai Jove l’Escorxador (Palau-solità i Plegamans) // Aula Parc (Santa Perpètua de Mogoda) // Centre Cultural Can Pelegrí (La Llagosta)

Since the 1980s and until today, the rehabilitation of the Caldes stream, devastated by the stifling urban pressure of past decades, has been approached almost entirely from a technical point of view. And while substantial progress has been made in aspects such as flood protection and the restoration of the river ecosystem, the stream is yet to recover from a social perspective. In recent years, efforts have been made to reconnect the public with the stream by creating walking trails, replanting vegetable gardens and organising educational workshops. Yet a technical perspective continues to pervade these initiatives, which have not yet incorporated the residents' everyday point of view.

As a result, Stream Day! strives to encourage the collective use of the stream through exercise, photography and new technologies, as well as a new web-based mapping platform that promotes public involvement and makes it possible to gather public opinions, concerns and insight about the inland waterways.

Sunday 20 November at 9:30 am, simultaneously at all 4 assembly points

  • Caldes de Montbui: Espai Jove el Toc
  • Palau-solità i Plegamans: Espai Jove l’Escorxador
  • Santa Perpètua de Mogoda: Aula Parc
  • La Llagosta: Centre Cultural Can Pelegrí

9:30 am Walking event or photographic Gymkhana, your choice
11 am Hot chocolate
12 pm Participation in the website www.viulariera.org

You may take part in the guided walking event or photographic Gymkhana. The goal is the same: to take a look at the area around the stream, identify its positive and negative aspects and consider ways of improving it.
Click here for the course map.
Click here for the Gymkhana's terms and conditions.

Those interested in attending Stream Day! should sign up using the following form.

Prizes for kids and grown-ups will be awarded to attendees who participate in the Gymkhana or the web-based mapping platform for public involvement.

Organised by: the Research Group in the Regeneration of Intermediate Landscapes (UIC Barcelona) and the University of Girona's Institute of the Environment.

The Viu la riera! project is supported by RecerCaixa, a joint programme of the Obra Social "la Caixa" and the Catalan Association of Public Universities (ACUP).