
Thesis defence: Àurea Cartanyà Hueso

Semi-online in our Auditorium in Sant Cugat

Thesis title: Uso de pantallas y su relación con la salud de la población infantil española (Use of screens and their relationship with health among Spanish children)

  • Doctoral candidate: Àurea Cartanyà Hueso
  • Supervisor: Dr José María Martínez Sánchez and Dr Cristina Lidón Moyano

Doctoral programme:  Health Sciences (RD 99/2011)


  • President: Dr Corsino Rey Galán (University of Oviedo)
  • Spokesperson: Dr María José López Medina (Public Health Agency for Barcelona)
  • Secretary: Dr Gonzalo Oñoro Otero (Aravaca Health Centre)

* If you are interested in attending this thesis defence, you must contact the Doctoral School Secretariat, at: edoc@uic.es