
Thesis defence: Helena Muley Vilamú

On-site in the Saló d’Actes events room- General University Hospital of Catalonia

Thesis title: The role of CPT1C in breast cancer development and chemoresistance

  • Doctoral candidate: Helena Muley Vilamú
  • Supervisors:  Dr Núria Casals Farré and Dr  Ruth Fadó Andrés

Doctoral programme:  Health Sciences (RD 99/2011)


  • President: Dr Josep Clotet Erra (Universitat Internacional de Catalunya)
  • Spokesperson: Dr Matilde Lleonart Pajarin (Vall D’Hebron Research Institute)
  • Secretary: Dr Karmele Valencia Leoz (University of Navarra)

* If you are interested in attending this thesis defence, you must contact the Doctoral School Secretariat, by writing to the following address: edoc@uic.es