
Thesis defence: Mariona Xercavins Valls

Assembly Hall in the General University Hospital of Catalonia

Thesis defence: Mariona Xercavins Valls

Thesis title: Canvis a l’epidemiologia de Klebsiella pneumoniae productora de β-lactamasa d’espectre estès (Changes in the epidemiology of Klebsiella pneumoniae as a producer of extended spectrum β-lactamasa)

  • Doctoral candidate: Mariona Xercavins Valls
  • Supervisor:  Dr Esther Calbo Sebastián

Doctoral programme:  Health Sciences (RD 99/2011)


  • President: Dr Montserrat Giménez Pérez (Germans Trias i Pujol Hospital, UAB)
  • Spokesperson:  Dr Nieves Sopena Galindo (Germans Trias i Pujol Hospital)
  • Secretary:  Dr Miquel Pujol Rojo (Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge, UB)

* If you are interested in attending the thesis defence, you must contact the Doctoral School secretary :edoc@uic.es