
Urbanism in Barcelona and the city’s Unique Houses

Cases Singulars and Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

For World Urbanism Day, Dr Judith Urbano, dean of the UIC Barcelona Faculty of Humanities, will give a lecture on Ildefons Cerdà and the great legacy he left for the city of Barcelona: the Eixample neighbourhood.

As part of her presentation, Urbano will take a look back over the history of urban planning in the city, from Roman times to present day, including the main features of Cerdà’s design. He laid the foundations for a new Barcelona, with Passeig de Gràcia as its main thoroughfare, where today we find the city’s greatest examples of Modernisme, such as Casa Amatller designed by architect Josep Puig i Cadafalch.

The dean of the Faculty of Humanities will also reflect on the city’s contemporary urban needs, based on some of the proposals that Cerdà put forward in his plan, including green spaces, open spaces and public transport.

The session will take place at 19 p.m. in classroom Beta 601 and can also be streamed online via this link


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