University Master's Degree in Legal Practice and Legal Representation (MUAP)
Second course: €156.00/ECTS x 30 = €4680
*Prices corresponding to the 2024-2025 academic year.
We train jurists, not just graduates in law
The University Master's Degree in Legal Practice and Legal Representation (MUAP in Spanish) at UIC Barcelona is a program designed with a totally professional approach, as It goes from theory to practice; from the academic world to the professional.
Taught by professionals for future professionals; The objective is for the student who enters the classroom as a Law graduate to acquire the skills of a lawyer throughout the MUAP, entering the world of work as a professional.
Reasons to study this Master
- Global training
All areas of Law are addressed and issues from all jurisdictions are worked on. - Complementary training
The development of additional skills and knowledge (soft skills) constitutes an essential added value for the practice of law today. In this way, preparation as a lawyer is complete at a technical and competency level. - The method
UIC Barcelona's MUAP is 100% practical, based on the case method and simulations of litigation and procedures. - Faculty
You will work, day by day alongside lawyers and partners from renowned professional offices and firms, judges, magistrates, attorneys, and jurists.
Double programs
The MUAP is designed so that the student can acquire solid preparation as a future lawyer or attorney. At the student's choice, the possibility is offered to specialize in those areas with greater professional projection. The offer of double programs provides the opportunity to obtain a double degree (double master's degree or MUAP + Postgraduate) through specialization in one of the following areas: tax, compliance, commercial M&A or innovation. They are 100% compatible programs that involve full-time dedication from September to June. These specializations are offered in collaboration with leading and benchmark firms and offices in each of the areas: exceptional academic collaborators who transfer their know-how to the classrooms through real work dynamics and small groups.
Master’s in legal-Tax Planning and Advice (MUAP + MAF)
It is the double program par excellence. Developed by professionals for future professionals Reasons to take the double master's degree: — Specialization in the field of planning and advice on tax matters. — Practical program based on the experience and day-to-day needs of a professional in an office, or service firm.
In collaboration with: CUATRECASAS
Master’s degree in law and Procurement + Postgraduate Degree in Tax Consulting (MUAP + PAF)
It is the little brother of the MAF. The specialization option with the PAF is perfect for you if you want to have a more general knowledge of taxation. Likewise, you are interested if you want to take the MAF in two academic years, with less time commitment and in a more gradual way.
In collaboration with: CUATRECASAS
Master’s degree in law and Procurement + Postgraduate Degree in Compliance and Cybersecurity (MUAP + Compliance)
Do you want to dedicate yourself to legal advice for companies, corporate criminal defense or train as a compliance officer, with the best professionals in the field? Reasons for taking the specialization: — Teaching faculty specialized in compliance and cybersecurity. — Practical workshops in specialized offices. — Teaching method based on practical cases.
In collaboration with: MOLINS CRIMINAL DEFENSE
Master’s degree in law and Procurement + Postgraduate Degree in Corporate Mergers & Acquisitions (MUAP + M&A)
This program will prepare you for professional performance in the sector of corporate merger and acquisition operations, with a teaching method inspired by the teaching method of learning by doing, with which, through practical cases and simulations of real professional environments, you will get real practical learning, not theoretical. Reasons for pursuing the specialization: — Transversal teaching model. —Practical methodology, learning by doing. - Small groups.
In collaboration with: EY
During the course of the MUAP, you will work side by side with your professors, lawyers from renowned law firms and top-level firms, in resolving practical cases using the case method, role playing and simulation of trials and hearings in our Hearing Room. Views.
Each subject is worked on in an immersion manner. For several weeks, sessions and classes are dedicated to a specific discipline, solely and exclusively. In this way, the example of the day-to-day life of a professional office is conveyed.
Why choose UIC Barcelona?
- By the 100% practical methodology: the case method is the natural habitat of the MUAP sessions and classes at UIC Barcelona. Starting from real issues, it is the professionals, lawyers, and professors of the MUAP, who direct the work sessions in the classroom, guiding the students towards the resolution of the cases. Through student participation, prior work and argumentation, work dynamics typical of professional offices are captured in the classroom. On the other hand, procedural simulation. The MUAP at UIC Barcelona has a hearing room, a classroom configured in the image and likeness of a courtroom, where students and their teachers carry out simulations of hearings of all jurisdictional orders. In this way, not only orality and argumentation are put into practice, but also the experience of the procedure, of litigation, of wearing the toga.
- For flexibility: the MUAP program is a transversal, generalist, and complete program through which all areas of Law are addressed. It is the student who chooses whether or not they want to complete it with a double specialty program in tax law, commercial law, M&A, Compliance, or Innovation. In this way, the student chooses his or her own training itinerary, without it being mandatory to decide on a specific specialty at the time of taking the MUAP.
- For professional guidance: the MUAP at UIC Barcelona is an essentially professionalizing program. Not only because of the dynamics of the classes and the teaching method but because it is the last stage before jumping into the world of work. In addition, the program contains a curricular internship period of almost 6 months that is thoroughly prepared with each of the participating students. From the beginning of the course, we work individually and personalized with each student in order to guide and develop the beginning of their professional career.
- For preparation for the access exam: once the Master has finished, starting in January, and in anticipation of the proximity of the test, students have at their disposal a preparation course for the exam and an online tool to complement the study.
- Because it is UIC Barcelona: small group (maximum 30 places), advice and personalized attention.
The main objective of this program, purely professionalizing, is access to the legal profession. We want its recipients to be able to apply in daily practice the theoretical knowledge they have obtained after studying the Degree in Law, and posing real cases of professional advice and litigation or forensic procedural action that empower the student to successfully pass the test. of access to the legal profession. The results of recent years support this.
Practical and innovative methodology
- Dynamic and participatory classes
- Simulation of trials
- Case method
- 30 places
To whom it is addressed. Entry profile
The entry profile we are looking for is that of a graduate in Law, with a marked interest in the practice of law and a desire to access professional practice with the best possible preparation. It is essential to hold a degree in Law or another equivalent degree that accredits the acquisition of the legal competences stipulated in the regulations.
Competences. Profile of graduates
The Master's Degree in Legal Practice and Procurement will enhance the skills inherent to the profession without forgetting the human and personal perspective. The objective is for students to achieve academic excellence in the knowledge of consultancy and procurement with a high capacity for personal and team work.
Academic Accreditation
Master's Degree in Law and Procurement from the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya.
Academic faculty
The teaching staff collaborates in the design of classes and sessions through real cases and issues that are transferred to the classroom to transform the class into a real work experience at a professional level.
Dr. María Fernández Arrojo. Dean of the Law School. UIC Barcelona
Dr. Pilar Rey. Professor of Criminal Law. Law School. UIC Barcelona.
Mrs. Reyes Alcón Lawyer. Responsible for postgraduate and professional opportunities. Law School. UIC Barcelona.
Experta en Networking professional - ALBIÑANA CILVETI, Ignacio
Soci. Uría Menéndez - ALCARAZ ASENSIO, María del Mar
Associada. Ramon&Cajal fiscalista - ALONSO SANTAMARIA, Carlos
Soci. Manubens - AMAT BADRINAS, Javier
Soci. AVQ Legal - AUSET DOMPER, Alejandro
Soci. Cuatrecasas - ASÓ PROCURADOR, Jaume
Sotssecretari del Consell Procuradors de Catalunya - AZAGRA MALO, Jorge Álvaro
Counsel. Uría Menéndez - BORJABAD TENA, Pablo Alberto
Fiscal. Administració de Justícia - CANADELL TORRAS, Inés
Sòcia. Fieldfisher Jausàs - CRESPO SEGURA, Manuel
Secretari General de l'Inspecció de Treball i Seguretat Social a Catalunya TGSS - DE ROS RAVENTÓS, Dr. Iñigo
Of Counsel. Cuatrecasas - DEL ALCÁZAR VILADOMIU, Cristina
Sòcia. Balaguer Bataller Advocats - DI CIOMMO , Dra. Tiziana
Directora Litigació. PwC - FERNÁNDEZ-OCHOA VARGAS, Paula
Consultora. Especialista en Màrqueting Jurídic i Marca Personal. Habiti than Law - FERRO MARTI-SENSAT, Carolina
Directora de RRHH. Garrigues - FRANQUET ELIA, Pablo Anastasio
Soci. Fieldfisher Jausas - GARCÍA CUETO, Ares
Cap de RRHH. Baker & McKenzie Barcelona - GÓMEZ TABOADA, Jesús
Notari - MATEOS GAMARRA, María
Coach executiva i de lideratge - MOLINA ALEGRE, Pablo
Soci. Garrigues - OÑA BARS, Lene
Associada. Lener - PARRA PÉREZ, María Jesús
Sòcia. Crowe - REXACH VILA, Núria
Manager RRHH. Responsable de Selecció. Cuatrecasas - RUSCA NADAL, Josep Oriol
Soci. Rusca Defensa Penal - SANZ, Jesús
Procurador dels tribunals - SEGURA WALLIN, Federico
Soci. Roca Junyent - SERRAMALERA CÈRCOLS, Xavier
Soci. Roca Junyent
To achieve this, there is a specific program that is launched at the beginning of the course for each student individually.
The Master contemplates the completion of curricular practices with a very important specific weight in the academic program (30 ects). They involve a dedication of almost 6 months full-time and are carried out between June and November.
During this period, students carry out an internship in law firms or collaborating entities and companies of the Faculty of Law of UIC Barcelona.
The professional internships represent the culmination of an eminently practical training, continuing with the main foundation of the teaching plan.
The Faculty of Law provides personalized advice to achieve internships for each student with specific training sessions, tutorials, and events in which collaborating entities intervene.
These are some of the offices and entities that collaborate with the Faculty of Law on internships:
- Aquit Legal
- Baker & McKenzie
- Broseta
- Bufete Barrilero
- Crowe
- Cuatrecasas
- Deloitte
- Garrigues
- EY
- Fieldfisher Jausás
- Gilabert & Bofarull
- Grant Thornton
- Jufresa
- Manubens
- Molins Defensa Penal
- Oleart Abogados
- Pérez Llorca
- PwC
- Ramón y Cajal
- Roca Junyent
- Rousaud Costas Duran
- Uría Menéndez
- Yúfera abogados
- And others
Open days
Attend the upcoming information session
Prerequisites & admissions
Admission requirements
What are we looking for?
- Graduate in Law, with a degree or validation in Spain of the academic record.
- Good academic record.
- In the admission process, each candidacy is evaluated individually.
- Motivation for professional development, concern and proactivity are especially considered.
- Social skills, the ability to work in teams, ease of expression and argumentation, and having a critical sense are positively valued.
Required documentation
- Academic record
- CV
- Motivation letter
Admission criteria
Admission is obtained from a weighted assessment by the Admissions Committee of the following documentation:
- Academic record.
- Personal interview.
- Letter explaining the student's personal reasons for choosing the master's degree.
- Professional curriculum.
- English level.
Admission process
If you have decided to take the master's degree, follow these steps to complete your admission process. We recommend that you do not delay, as places are limited.
1st Online admission application
Admission request
2nd Attendance at online information sessions
It is part of the admission process to participate in at least one of the information sessions that are held online. In this way, we get to know you and we will resolve your doubts about the master’s degree and the admission process from the first moment.
3rd Interview
Interview with the Master's coordinator.
Once admitted, you can start your place reservation and registration process.
Reservation and enrolment
Once the admission process has been completed, the admitted student will pay 20% of the price of the first course of the Master, as a place reservation, after receiving the official admission letter. Once registration is formalized, the student will pay the remaining 80% of the amount of the first course in a single or instalment payment.
At the end of the first academic year, the student will receive a registration form corresponding to the second year and will proceed to pay within the stipulated period.
People who have been accepted into the master's degree receive an admission letter conditional on payment of a place reservation.
The reservation of a place must be made effective by depositing, within 15 calendar days following receipt of the admission communication, 20% of the total amount of the first course into a "La Caixa" bank account.
If the student does not make the reservation of a place effective, it will be understood that he or she renounces the place, thus authorizing UIC Barcelona from that moment to cancel and render void the place request made.
Once the place reservation has been formalized in the indicated manner, if a person does not meet—according to the state or regional legislation in force at any given time—the requirements for admission to the course; If you do not have the required qualification or the course does not formalize registration due to lack of registration, UIC Barcelona will fully refund the amount of the place reservation.
If the student, of his or her own free will, withdraws from the course for any reason, UIC Barcelona will fully and without obligation to refund the amount received as a place reservation as compensation for the damages caused.
The registration period will be communicated to those admitted with a reserved place once the scheduled admissions have been completed. Once the official registration has been formalized, the student will have 15 calendar days to pay the remaining amount of each year's registration in a single or instalment payment.
Grants & financial aid
Take a look at our grants programme
UIC Barcelona has a commitment to its students: to ensure that no one with an aptitude for study is unable to study a degree for financial reasons.
We want to facilitate access to the MUAP to all those talented candidates who are motivated to study the programme, do not have sufficient financial resources.
Therefore, we have a fixed number of grants available for a limited period for those students with an outstanding academic record and demonstrated financial need.
You will find all the regulations of our BEA programme (Grants for Academic Excellence) at this link (points 3, 4 and 6).
If you have studied a bachelor’s degree in Law at UIC Barcelona with a BEA grant you could be the recipient of one of four grants that cover 50% of the total tuition fee of this programme. You will find the regulations in the same document (points 5 and 6).
For any questions, contact Cristina Vallés ( 651826142).
UIC Barcelona has agreements with different banking entities to finance the course under preferential conditions. If you wish to consult the financing conditions, you can do so on the following page:
15% discount for those who have completed their Law studies in UIC Barcelona in the academic year immediately preceding the start of the Master's program.
10% discount for Alumni of UIC Barcelona who have completed their Bachelor's Degree in a year other than the immediately preceding one.
5% discount for children of former students of UIC Barcelona or INEDE who are members of the Alumni Association with more than one year of seniority.
Alumni Ambassadors
Meet our Alumni Ambassadors
Alumni Ambassadors are former students who have volunteered to talk about their experience at UIC Barcelona. With them you can address any doubts about your chosen studies, the university and the student experience.