Dr Joaquin Barraquer Moner Grant

Grant endowed by the Barraquer Foundation aimed at second- and third-year students of the Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine at UIC Barcelona.

The grant is intended to encourage talent and promote equal opportunities among students in the medicine degree programme. For this purpose, two grants of 3,500 € each are awarded, which cover a portion of the annual enrolment fee of the beneficiary students.

The grant shall combine the requirements of academic excellence and the student’s need for financial aid, to guarantee equal opportunities. 

To access the grant, the student must have passed all the enrolled credits from the previous year, have a minimum average mark of 7, and agree to take the optional subject Practical Ophthalmology at the Barraquer Ophthalmology Clinic.

Along with the grant application, the student must attach a personal letter in which they explain their interest in and/or knowledge of ophthalmology, and their motivation for studying and practicing medicine.

Application deadline is 30 June.

More information available at beques@uic.es