
10 Doctorate Students Graduate from UIC Barcelona

On Thursday, 4 June 2015, 10 new doctors were awarded their degree certificates in the UIC Barcelona’s Graduate Hall. The event was presided over by Dr. Pedro Talavera, Vice Rector for Research. Dr. Xavier Gil, a department head at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, gave the keynote address and presented mortarboards to the new doctors. Dr. Maria Voyatzaki, a lecturer at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and a coordinator at the European Network of Heads of Schools of Architecture, also gave a speech.

Many of the speeches emphasized the importance of research in the purest sense of the word and the role it plays in universities, as well as the factors that should be given priority by researchers. Continuing in this vein, Dr. Talavera said it was vitally important for doctorate holders to be well-rounded academically and as human beings.

Dr. Voyatzaki reminded the audience of the challenge that earning a doctorate poses for any researcher. As the highest academic qualification, it involves making a significant individual effort and confronting a wide range of obstacles.

In his keynote address, Dr. Gil discussed the university’s many missions (teaching, research and knowledge transfer) and highlighted doctorate holders’ role as a motor for research that ushers the university to the frontiers of knowledge. “There is a pressing need for doctors who are more interdisciplinary and more global” in the knowledge areas they choose, and this will enrich their work. He concluded by stressing the vital importance of patience, perseverance and humility in any academic career.

The newly invested doctors are as follows:

  • Dr. Alejandro Alegret, Dr. Jordi Garrido and Dr. Joaquim Valls,  Business Administration
  • Dr. María Dolores Andreu, Dr. Tatiana Cucurull, Dr. Beatriz Lucaya and Dr. Maria Mut, Law
  • Dr. David López and Dr. Isabel Villanueva, Communication
  • Dr. María Carmen Martínez, Education

Speaking on behalf of all the newly invested doctors, Maria Mut said a few words of gratitude to the UIC Barcelona and all of the people who make the UIC possible, not just for believing in them and their project, but also for standing by them throughout their long journey, above and beyond what was required. Without their support, Mut said, the doctors could not have expanded their knowledge, broadened their reality and learned to face whatever obstacles came their way. “We’re all very proud to have earned our doctorate degrees at the UIC Barcelona”, Mut concluded.