
A 100-strong audience attends the first International Congress on ‘La Guerra Civil a les Terres de l’Ebre’, co-organised by UIC Barcelona

It is the first such congress to be held in the Terres de l’Ebre

Around one hundred people attended the first International Congress on ‘La Guerra Civil a les Terres de l’Ebre’ (The Civil War in the Ebre Lands) in Gandesa from 22 to 24 October, organised by UIC Barcelona, Gandesa Town Council, Tortosa City Council and the Centre for the Battle of Ebre Studies.

Over the course of the three-day congress, national and international experts on the Civil War offered more than fifteen talks on this subject, in what was the first event of its kind to be held in the Terres de l’Ebre. The lecturer from Faculty of Law and director of the congress, Josep Serrano, was very pleased with the response to the three days of presentations: "We have tried to explore a variety of issues, not only those about the Civil War that are always in the headlines, but also those that seldom receive media attention". Serrano also explained the next step, which will be to “keep the momentum of the congress going” and publish the talks given at the event as hard copies.

The final session of the event was attended by the general director of Democratic Memory, Antoni Font, who, in statements to the Terres de l’Ebre television channel, stated that “events of this kind make it possible to recognise the research being done on historical memory,” adding that they also help to “promote policies of democratic memory”.

The first International Congress on ‘La Guerra Civil a les Terres de l’Ebre’ was opened by the rector of UIC Barcelona, Alonso Mendiz, and closed by the dean of the UIC Barcelona Faculty of Humanities, Judith Ubano. Lecturers from the Faculty Xavier Baró and Xavier Garí also attended as representatives of the Congress’ Scientific Committee.

The international congress was supported by the Republic’s Aviators Association, Tarragona Provincial Council, the Department of Culture of the Catalan Government, Terra Alta Regional Council, the Ribera d'Ebre Centre for Studies, the Ebre Counties Development Institute, the Directorate-General for Democratic Memory, the Battle of the Ebro Sites Memorial Consortium, the Institute of Catalan Studies, the Catalan Society of Legal Studies, the Ramon Muntaner Institute, the Barcelona Literature Academy, the Patronat pro Batea and the Poble Vell de Corbera d'Ebre Association.

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