
130 Secondary School and Vocational Training Students Learn to be Leaders at the UIC

On Thursday, 17 January 2013, 130 students from public and private secondary schools in Catalonia participated in the 6th Conference on Creating Leaders, which was organized by secondary school and vocational school class representatives.

The conference was
sponsored by the Information and Admissions Service and focused on personal
leadership as the basis for social leadership. During the conference, the participants
learned about the skills and attitudes required by new leaders.

The first session,
"Know thyself first", was led by Dr. Consuelo León, a professor of
Sociology and Written Communication at the UIC Faculty of Communication, and
dealt with the seven qualities of a leader. Prof. León pointed out that leaders
should have integrity, personal charisma, credibility, competence, a focus on
essential matters, the ability to listen and passion for what they do. During
the conference, the features of today's best-known innovative leaders and
public figures were analysed and some of the qualities of future
transformational leaders were mentioned.

The session ended with a
lecture given by Miguel Espinet, an alumni of the UIC Business Administration
programme and a founding member of Lead Solution. Espinet revealed the ten key
requirements to become a leader. He said, "All of us will be a leader at
some point in our lives", and "There can be no leadership without
hard work".

For Espinet, the keys to
becoming a leader reside in hard work, bravery, education, self-awareness,
confidence, a positive attitude, continuous improvement, having clearly marked
goals, self-esteem and values. Espinet encouraged the students to take
advantage of their training as much as possible as a way to expand on their
options for the future. He said, "The university will help you learn how
to learn".

Given the importance of
comprehensive student training, the UIC organizes the Conference on Creating
Leaders each year as a training activity for the students chosen as class
representatives by their classmates.

Because of the important
role of class representatives in secondary school and to continue with the aim
of awarding excellence, the UIC gives these students the chance to get in touch
with their own leadership skills so they can be developed.