
15 new members join UIC Barcelona’s University Advisory Council

The University Advisory Council (UAC) of UIC Barcelona incorporates 15 prominent professionals from the communication, education, health, culture, law and business sectors

An extraordinary meeting of the University Advisory Council (UAC) was held last Thursday, 22 May of the University Advisory Council (UAC) at the Barcelona Campus to welcome the fifteen new members who have recently joined the Council.

The new additions to the UAC are as follows: Mr Antoni Bassas, Ms Lorena Bassas, Mr José Mª Bové, Mr Ernesto Caccavale, Mr Marius Carol, Mr Carlos Checa, Mr Ignasi Miró, Ms Marian Muro, Mr Jordi Nadal, Mr Santiago Nolla, Ms Julia Otero, Ms Elianne Ros, Ms Núria Solé, Ms Montserrat Trapé and Dr Joan Vidal.

As a result, the University Advisory Council now has nearly 90 members from civil society from different cultural, scientific and business areas of the social fabric. Together, all of them make up a broad and recognised professional background from which to advise and contribute to responding to present and future challenges in the education of younger generations that are visible on the horizon. Another of the UAC’s main functions is to assist in the transfer of knowledge from UIC Barcelona to society, explaining the differential value proposition provided by our university through its teaching and research activities. To this end, the members of the Board are organised into working committees specific to the areas of knowledge in which they are experts and in which they carry out their professional activity.

In addition to introducing the new members of the UAC, during the session the Council’s projects were shared, as well as University objectives and new strategic challenges. The president of the UAC, Mr Francesc Homs, highlighted the privilege of having all the members of the Council and thanked them for joining UIC Barcelona’s great university project. In the words of Mr Homs, UIC Barcelona is a university that ‘is committed to professional excellence, placing the integral education of the individual at the centre, with a clear calling to serve society.’

This welcome day was also attended by Ms Carmen Drópez, UAC Secretary, Mr Joan de Dou, representing the Board of Trustees, Juan Pablo Garrido, UAC Director, as well as Mr Ramon Pellicer, president of the Communication Commission, and Ms Mayra García, director of Communication Management of the University.