
36 Humanities Degree students visit the most emblematic places in Greece

The Dean of the Faculty of Humanities, Dr Judith Urbano, accompanied the students during the five-day trip.

A return to our origins. 36 Humanities Degree students travelled to Greece in January to learn about some of the Greece's most emblematic sites close up. Mycenae, Epidaurus, the Corinth Canal, the Sanctuary of Delphi on Parnassos, the Temple of Poseidon at Sunion or the Acropolis, the National Archaeological Museum and the Byzantine Art Museum in Athens were some of the stops during the five-day tour.

Dr Judith Urbano, art historian and Dean of the Faculty of Humanities, accompanied the students and shared her knowledge about the various sites. Dr Urbano, who last year took students from the Faculty on a study trip to Budapest, warmly welcomes this initiative: “It is a way to learn about the heritage and culture of various European cities and regions”. The Dean adds that “The trip also gives the students a chance to get to know each other better, since it brings the year-groups together, and this strengthens the feeling of belonging to the Faculty and to UIC Barcelona”.