
The 4th Puig Foundation Grant in Teaching Innovation is awarded to two projects of UIC Barcelona School of Architecture and one from the Faculty of Law

The first prize was awarded to the project led by Marta Benages and Diego Navarro of UIC Barcelona School of Architecture, under the title “Infografies per a UIC: un encàrrec real a través de la docència transversal.” (Information Graphics for UIC: a real undertaking through cross-sectional teaching.)

At the fourth edition of the Puig Foundation Grant in Teaching Innovation, 12 projects with 74 participating lecturers were presented, and grants were awarded to two UIC Barcelona School of Architecture projects and one from the Faculty of Law. 
The first prize was awarded to the project led by Marta Benages and Diego Navarro with the participation of several lecturers in the School of Architecture: Manel Arenas, Ignacio Arizu, Oriol Carrasco, Pedro Cortés, Jordi de Gispert, Sorina Estefania, Affonso Orciuoli, Enrique Rovira-Beleta and Pere Vall. The jury highlighted the project’s “transversality”, with an “impact beyond the classroom” to the university community, “bringing the professional reality to students in a clear, visible and tangible way”. 

The “In Time” project from the Law Faculty won the second prize. Led by Montserrat Nebrera, the project also had the participation of faculty lecturers Maria Fernández Arrojo, Montse Gas, Juan José Guardia, Carmen Maria Lázaro, María Mut, Pilar Rey, Maria Alejandra Vargas and Belén Zárate. The proposal is based on an innovation that directly affects the acquisition and development of skills through reflection, concentration and time management. The jury highlighted how it was “easily applicable to other areas and disciplines in future dissemination”.

The third prize was awarded to a UIC Barcelona School of Architecture project, presented by Diego Navarro with the participation of Oriol Carrasco and Pedro Cortés, lecturers at the school. Under the title “Metaverso, el rol de l'arquitecte en els entorns digitals.” (Metaverse, the role of the architect in digital environments) the proposal was commended for its “disruptive direction toward the opening up of new teaching and pioneering models”. 

The President of the Puig Foundation, Mr Xavier Puig, Ms Mercedes Navarro, director of the Foundation and Mr Enric Puig, as well as representatives of the Teaching Innovation Classroom were present at the ceremony. 

The event was promoted by the UIC Barcelona Teaching Innovation Classroom, which was born as a response to teacher interest in implementing innovation initiatives and projects. The aim is to promote the continuous improvement of the teaching process through the whole university.

The main objective of the grant is to support the teaching work of the university's faculty through the contribution of innovative projects that pursue teaching excellence: introducing improvements in student learning and teaching quality in the field of university studies.