
The ACTIUM Anatomy Group receives the Physiotherapist of the Year award

The Actium Anatomy Group of the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya has received the award of Physiotherapist of the Year from the Minister for Health at the annual Physiotherapy Night gala held on 24 November and organised by the College of Physiotherapists of Catalonia.

On Thursday, 24 November, the Physiotherapy Night 2022 gala, a meeting of physiotherapy professionals organised by the College of Physiotherapists of Catalonia, took place in Barcelona. In this year's edition, the Physiotherapist of the Year award went to the ACTIUM Anatomy Group for their research and work on anatomical and scientific outreach in the field of physiotherapy and health sciences.

ACTIUM is a research group of the Department of Basic Sciences made up of lecturers mainly from the Area of Structure and Function of the Human Body and the Department of Physiotherapy. The objective of the group is the investigation of the effects that movement and/or certain clinical techniques have on the musculoskeletal system and fascial tissue.
The award was presented by the Minister of Health, Dr Manel Balcells, and Dr Carme Cabezas (Secretary of Public Health).

The ACTIUM group wanted to dedicate this recognition to all body donors and study volunteers. According to the research group, “without the generosity of these two groups, science could not advance.”