
Advertising Students Display El Sol Festival Submissions

Creatives Eduard Baldris and Víctor Gutiérrez came to the UIC to judge the presentations of the campaigns students have submitted to the El Sol Ibero-American Advertising Communication Festival, which takes place in Bilbao from Thursday, 30 May, to Saturday, 1 June 2013.

On Monday, 6 May 2013, at the Faculty of Communication Sciences, students from the latter stages of the Bachelor's Degree in Advertising and Public Relations presented the advertising campaign ideas they produced for the brand Markham: Premium Indian Tonic Water. These campaigns have been entered into the El Sol Ibero-American Advertising Communication Festival.

There were three project presentations in total and each was evaluated by advertising creatives Eduard Baldris (the creative director of DEC-BBDO) and Víctor Gutiérrez (the head of strategic planning at the Havas Media Group). The pair also drew on their professional experience to offer up suggestions as to how the students could improve their presentations at the festival.

The students have spent the whole academic year on the campaigns, which they have worked on outside classroom hours, and will be competing in the festival's "Young Creatives" category. Each of the three groups involved has put together a professional-style campaign encompassing every phase of the process, including research, creative development and media planning. In addition, each group has filmed and edited a spot in line with Markham's brief.

The students' work has been coordinated by Pablo Medina, a professor at the Faculty of Communication Sciences. The students have also benefited from technical assistance from Óscar Sueiro, the technical manager of the UIC's Digital Media Studios, and guidance from the graphic designer Juan Pablo Huizi, an assistant professor who works on the Bachelor's Degree in Advertising and Public Relations.

This project is the latest example of an initiative supported by the Faculty of Communication Sciences to forge links between the university and the business world and to provide students with hands-on experience in the sectors in which they wish to pursue a career.