
Àlex Español, between courtrooms and racetracks

The second-year student on the Bachelor's Degree in Law has been named junior rally champion of Catalonia.

“It’s never too late when it’s a question of passion.” Or at least that is the view held by Àlex Español, a second-year student on the Bachelor's Degree in Law at UIC Barcelona and, in his free time, junior rally champion of Catalonia. The young Andorran has just won the Catalonia Rally Championship and Junior Cup in his Ford Focus 1.6, winning him first place on the grid in the junior category.

Surprising though it may seem, Español took his first steps in the motoring world a mere two years ago. “I wanted to study law because I have always felt compelled to speak up for those who, in my opinion, are treated unfairly. But I thought that I had missed the boat when it came to becoming a driver”, he explained.  However, a gift from his parents to take a driving course at the Andorra Race Track in 2018 changed everything: “That experience got the ball rolling. First, I competed in the ice rally held at the Principado track and later I entered the Drivers' Programme at the Automobile Club of Andorra," he said.

Winning both categories at the Cervera Rally was the sweetest moment of the Andorran’s short but intense career so far. His success is steadily increasing, and he is rapidly accomplishing all the objectives he had set himself until now.  All this hard work will ensure he races in next season’s prestigious Volant RACC - Masiva Trophy, in which he was planning on competing in two years’ time.  “This marks the culmination of the entire team's commitment and the great progress we’re making”, stated Español.

Law is the most important vocation

When he’s not hurtling at 140 km/hour down country roads, having instructions shouted at him by his co-driver, or decked out in his all-in-one rally suit behind the wheel, Àlex Español steers his most important vocation between notes and assignments.  He is not yet sure which path he will choose into the field of law when he graduates, but he is fully aware that the legal world will require the same rigour and discipline as the world of driving.

In fact, the student believes that the synergy between the two worlds is wholly positive and that there is even crossover between the skills in each field, such as the ability to adapt to new scenarios and thedetermination to improve every day. There’s no doubt in Español’s mind that “rallying has taught me that you have to believe in everything you do because, if you don't, you seldom reach your goals, a virtue also applicable to the field of law”.

Following an unusual season cut short by the pandemic, in which many races have been cancelled, Àlex Español has his sights set on the future: “We have to keep striving to make 2021 a winning year; with our new car and a demanding season ahead we have to face it with more energy and motivation than ever before”.