
Alumni gives a 500 euro donation to the Sant Joan de Déu Foundation

The research laboratory in the Sant Joan de Déu Foundation recently received a donation of 500 euros from Laura Roche, a former student in the Faculty of Education (year of ‘08) at UIC Barcelona.  Roche won the draw organised by Alumni & Careers for former students who participated in the Christmas campaign, #UICAlumniXmasTree. As part of this initiative, the winning alumni member was able to choose the NGO they wanted to receive the award, out of a list of suggested organisations.  Laura chose the Sant Joan de Déu Foundation.

Laura Roche explained that she chose Sant Joan de Déu Hospital because “illnesses always cause patients and their family members worry and pain, but when it affects little ones it is even more shocking and therefore I’d like to participate in the search for what can cure illnesses and improve life for these children and their families”. 
Professionals from the Foundation thanked the former UIC Barcelona student for her choice and said that the award will help them to continue to progress towards treatment for all children. They all work daily to improve survival rates and quality of life for children suffering from rare serious diseases, such as childhood cancer, and neurological, neuromuscular and rheumatic diseases, among many others. 
The donation was delivered on 17 January to Sant Joan de Déu Hospital. Diana Nin, from the Childhood Social Work department at Sant Joan de Déu Hospital accepted the cheque on behalf of the Foundation.  The director of Alumni & Careers, Inmaculada Ortega, and Mónica Dolcet from our Alumni team were both present while Laura Roche awarded the cheque.
This is the second year that Alumni & Careers has been involved in this initiative, as part of our annual Christmas campaign #UICAlumniXmasTree. Last year the donation was awarded to the ProVida Foundation, as decided by alumni member and former Medical student Laura García-Faria, winner of the 2019 draw.