
The Alumni Service organises a farewell event for future 5th year Dentistry graduates

Fifth year Dentistry students are currently completing their degrees at UIC Barcelona. For that reason, the Alumni Service in the university organised a farewell event for these students. It was held on our Sant Cugat campus, and the Dean of the Faculty and professor Héctor Parellada, specially invited by students, both attended the event. 

The event began with a welcome speech from the director of the Alumni Service, Marianna Zanuy, who talked to attendees about the “UIC Barcelona stamp”, in other words, the values they had acquired beyond knowledge alone. Lluís Giner, Dean of the Faculty, said a few words to the future dentists, encouraging them to achieve excellent work in whatever they do and to think of the individual above all else.

Héctor Parellada, a professor who was specially invited by the students, talked to them about “what he would have liked someone to tell him when he had finished his degree”.  Now professional life will begin so he encouraged them to continue to learn, to combine the professional with academic learning. “You will be dentists and yes, you will treat teeth, but the teeth are ‘stuck’ onto ‘patients, people’”. This is where they will discover that the UIC Barcelona stamp does exist.

The talk from class representatives Marta Blasi and Adrià Mirabet was the most moving part of the event and fundamentally involved words of gratitude. They were happy to have learned from each and every department, from the people they have been in contact with over the past five years (the faculty’s administrative staff, lecturers and professors, University Dental Clinic (CUO) staff, Alumni members, and each and every one of their classmates and friends).

Finally the official class photographs and yearbooks were given out, which all the students had been eagerly awaiting. They were given out by the Dean of the Faculty, Lluís Giner, the institutional Vice-Dean, Sandra Fernández and professor Héctor Parellada. At the end of the event the students were able to enjoy a lunch that had been prepared for them while accompanied by their professors and other Faculty members in the university’s cafeteria.