
Ana Cocho-Bermejo speaks at the ASCAAD 2016 Conference in London

Professor Ana Cocho-Bermejo (PhD) took part as a speaker in the 8th International Conference of the Arab Society for Computer Aided Architectural Design (ASCAAD 2016), which took place at the SOAS University of London on 7 and 8 November 2016.

Under the title “Designing through behavioural studied Machine Learning based", Dr Cocho-Bermejo emphasised the every-increasing speed of technological advancements, which are dictating a new paradigm in which design, performance and behaviour are outcomes. The ASCAAD facilitates communication and information exchange on the use of CAAD, Computer-Aided Architectural Design, and Information Technology. The main question raised by the conference was how the use and implementation of CAAD and IT would lead to innovative concepts, tools, systems and products in the areas of architecture, urban planning and building.

The conference addressed topics such as augmented and virtual reality, design intelligence and cognition, virtual and interactive environments, building performance visualisation, computer-supported design collaboration, ubiquitous computing and urban/city/regional planning and urban performance visualisation.

The ASCAAD was created to teach and conduct research in CAAD in schools of architecture in the Arab region of West Asia and North Africa. It is one of five sister organisations in CAAD worldwide that share the same mission, in addition to ACADIA (North America), eCAADe (Europe), CAADRIA (Asia) and SIGraDi (Ibero-America).

Dr Ana Cocho-Bermejo is assistant director of Student Affairs, assistant director of the University Master's Degree in Biodigital Architecture and a lecturer in Projects at the UIC Barcelona School of Architecture.