
Ana María Zamorano: “The act of educating has not changed, but educational needs have, so continuous innovation is key”

As patron of the graduation ceremony, the Faculty’s lecturer and former student shared her views on the role of teachers today

Ana María Zamorano, a former student of the UIC Barcelona Faculty of Education Sciences, and head of the Avantis Centre for Pre-Primary Education, was the patron of this year's graduation ceremony. In her speech, the expert reviewed the decalogue of ‘the good teacher’. “Being a good teacher is fine, but being a great teacher is even better. And the students who are graduating here today, must be great", said Zamorano.

In her speech, she encouraged the graduates to continue their learning past their degree studies: “Never stop acquiring knowledge. You need to be well trained to be able to help others and correctly perceive your students’ potential problems.”

The patron also emphasised how the students should remember that there is more to being happy in your job than a high salary. “If you only work to make money, you’ll always have the feeling that you are underpaid”, she said.

Afterwards, the former students, lecturer and coordinator of family guidance courses at La Farga School, Diego Ledesma, dedicated a few words to the new members of the Alumni community, conveying a message of peace of mind in the face of the uncertainty of their future careers. “You will now have the chance to apply everything you have learned over these past years", he said, "and if you are passionate about the job and care about what you do, anything is possible".

There was also moment for class representatives of the Bachelor’s Degree in Pre-Primary Education and in Primary Education, Paula Miguel and Cristina de Ribot, to speak. Miguel thanked the teaching staff on the degree programme for their support over the past four years, and quoted some famous phrases about education to encourage her classmates to bear in mind life’s grounding principles. De Ribot then thanked all parents for their support during the degree programme, and for the confidence they had in their children to succeed.

The event was closed by the Dean of the Faculty of Education Sciences, Dr Esther Jiménez, who urged the recent graduates to "always view the world as a glass half full", because their views and outlook on life will eventually be passed down, indirectly, to future generations.

The ceremony ended with the University’s traditional song “Gaudeamus Igitur”.

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