
Anatomy Laboratory Carries Out Mock Orthognathic Surgery

On Saturday and Sunday, 25-26 May 2013, the Anatomy Laboratory, directed by Dr. Marian Lorente, carried out a mock orthognathic surgery on a cadaver as part of the Postgraduate Programme in Orthognathic Surgery and Surgical Orthodontics organized by the UIC Faculty of Dentistry and the Teknon Maxillofacial Institute.

Professionals from all over Spain and around the world took part in the course. The programme, headed by Dr. Federico Hernández-Alfaro and Dr. Andreu Puigdollers, trains students in techniques used in orthognathic surgery and surgical orthodontics. These diagnostic and treatment techniques have changed drastically over the last several years, which makes continuing education necessary in order for professionals to receive training in the updated techniques.

During the component of the programme that took place in the Anatomy Laboratory on the Sant Cugat campus, participants in the programme, led by Dr. Javier Mareque, gained hands-on experience with the new surgical techniques that are presented during the course with material provided by the company Osteoplac.

Orthognathic surgery allows doctors to provide medical and aesthetic treatment in cases of facial asymmetry. It is also referred to as corrective jaw surgery.