
Anna Wennberg Keynote Speaker at Preschool Education Graduation Ceremony

A second graduation ceremony for students of Preschool Education took place in the UIC's main lecture hall on Thursday, 3 July 2014. Anna Wennberg, the Director of Parvulari Nostra Senyora preschool facility, gave the keynote address. She said, «Enjoy what lies ahead».

Dr. Maite Fuertes, the Assistant Dean of the Faculty of Education, opened the ceremony. She told the students that they would never forget the day of their graduation and reminded them that teachers must continue to learn and evolve throughout their careers. She said, “Graduation is the first step on a long road”.

Dr. Fuertes pointed out that most graduates would develop their careers in a school environment. She said, “Schools create social cohesion”. She added, “In the current environment, teachers need to be able to rise to the challenge and adopt a child-centred approach”.

The keynote address was delivered by Anna Wennberg, who is the Director of Parvulari Nostra Senyora preschool facility as well as being an educator and a parent. She began by reinforcing the previous speaker’s remarks on teaching as a perpetual learning process. During her address, she underlined the importance of parents in the educational process. She said, “They are the first and most important people in the process of educating a child. As educators, we always work hand in hand with parents”.

Wenneberg gave students an idea of what they could expect to experience during their professional life and assured them that every new day in the classroom would present its own set of challenges. She also posed a few questions to reflect on. She asked, “Who do you want to be in the classroom? A leader or a facilitator? The one that does or the one that enables pupils to do? Do you want to be cold and unapproachable or smiling and patient? Do you want to have your route mapped out at the beginning of the school year or do you want to journey with your pupils on a day-to-day basis?” Wenneberg’s closing remark contained a very positive message. She said, “Enjoy what lies ahead, because it is beyond price”.

Wenneberg’s address was followed by the presentation of the diplomas and the new graduates’ speeches. Dr. Enric Vidal, the Dean of the Faculty of Education, drew the ceremony to a close with a few words to the graduates. He said, "I wish you a fruitful professional career full of moments to cherish”.

Finally, the attendees were invited to take refreshments after the singing of Gaudeamus Igitur.