
Antoni Abad, President of CECOT, Keynote Speaker at Business Administration Graduation Ceremony

Antoni Abad, the President of CECOT, the Catalan multi-sector business association, was the keynote speaker at the graduation ceremony held on the Barcelona campus on Thursday, 30 May 2013, for students receiving Bachelor's degrees in Business Administration, Master's degrees in Business Administration and Production Systems, and Master's degrees in Human, Social and Legal Sciences.

The ceremony was presided over by Frederic Marimon, the Vice Rector for Research, accompanied by Dr. Miquel Bastons, the Dean of the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences.

Dr. Miquel Bastons was the first to speak to the new graduates. He said, “A change will now take place in your role in society: you go from being students to becoming professionals. Up until now, you have been on the receiving end; but now you will have to start giving, serving others and putting what you have learned into practice.”  Dr. Bastons also told the new graduates about the importance of not losing the university spirit but drawing on it throughout their professional careers. He reminded them of the importance of searching for the truth: "Don't be satisfied with half-truths".

Antoni Abad, the President of CECOT, then congratulated the new graduates and spoke about the importance of training. He told the students, "The level of talent depends on the time spent on training". He also said, "Talent is a treasure of incalculable value that is hidden in a place we don't often look into: ourselves".

After the graduates were awarded their diplomas, the ceremony continued with moving speeches by the class representatives and the traditional singing of Gaudeamus Igitur.

Frederic Marimon, the Vice Rector for Research, was the final speaker at the ceremony. He congratulated the students and their parents. He highlighted the professional attitude the graduating class had shown during their years at the university. Finally, he encouraged the new graduates to continue with their training and wished them luck in this new stage in their lives.