
Antoni Mora Appointed New Dean of Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences

Dr. Antoni Mora Corral, the current Vice Dean of the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences, has been appointed Dean of the same faculty and will replace Dr. Miquel Bastons, who took up the post six years ago. Dr. Mora will be replaced by Dr. Pedro García del Barrio.

Referring to Dr. Bastons’ management of the faculty, the newly appointed Dean highlighted the exacting standards he has achieved among the teaching staff and students and how these have improved in recent years. He also spoke highly of the three ways of studying Business Administration at the UIC that “have been innovative compared to the competition”.

Dr. Mora plans to give fresh impetus to these two aspects in order to “further improve the level of our students and truly cement demand for our different Business Administration courses, as well as give our postgraduate programmes an extra boost by attempting to internationalize and offering the best we can”.


In this regard, Dr. Mora is well aware that he must be fully committed to the position. He said, “I plan to make the UIC a benchmark in the Catalan university market by offering an even more international range of courses”.

Dr. Mora has been teaching at the UIC almost since it opened. He has collaborated on several public and private research projects. His main research interests are the economics of education and the economics of health, and he has had work published in renowned national and international journals.