
Antonio Argandoña Inaugurates «Desayunos Cátedra» Cycle

Antonio Argandoña, an emeritus professor of Economics and Business Ethics at IESE, inaugurated the «Desayunos Cátedra» Cycle of the Department of Management by Missions and Corporate Governance on Friday, 10 October 2014.

The topic of the first session of the «Desayunos Cátedra» cycle was the Scope of Sustainability: Economic, Social and Ethical Sustainability.

“Companies have to reflect on their mission, what they want to do, their role in society and why they are here. And this reflection should include something new: sustainability, which questions companies' role in society”, said Argandoña.

In terms of company management, Argandoña said, “Running a company involves managing the group of people that make it up, all of whom have their own motivations, personal background, culture, etc. The idea is not to change them, but to guide them towards the company's common mission. However, managers should also know how to manage the impact the company has on society.”

Dr. Carlos Rey, the Department Director, presented the Department's areas of research: the company mission, the transcendental motivation at work and organizational unity. Dr. Rey said, “In the Department, we aren't satisfied with simply providing solutions to make companies more profitable. Instead, we aim to ask questions about the impact economic profit has on people.”

The new «Desayunos Cátedra» initiative was created with the aim of facilitating contact between the academic and business communities to generate discussion on topics related to business humanism. The breakfasts start with a brief presentation on the discussion topic by an expert followed by a general discussion in which the participants can describe their own experiences. The «Desayunos Cátedra» will be held once a month until July.