
The architect Jordi Roviras publishes an article entitled "Integración Arquitectónica de Colectores Solares Térmicos Cerámicos para Clima Mediterráneo”

Jordi Roviras, an architect and professor from the school of architecture, recently published an article entitled "Integración Arquitectónica de Colectores Solares Térmicos Cerámicos para Clima Mediterráneo” in volume 68 of the Informes de la Construcción journal.

He is listed as first author, although the article was also co-authored by Dr Vicenç Sarrablo, Dr Jaume Armengou and Dr Maria del Mar Casanovas. It is an indexed scientific article ranked in the first quartile according to Scopus-SJR (Scimago Journal Rank) and the third quartile according to Journal Citation Reports (JCR).

The article is the result of research project undertaken over more than five years which shaped his doctoral thesis. The project was recently presented at various international conferences, including the 10th International Conference on Advanced Building Skins in Bern (Switzerland), and the 6th European Conference on Energy Efficiency and Sustainability in Architecture and Planning in San Sebastian.