
The artist Cinta Vidal unveils a mural at UIC Barcelona

Yesterday afternoon the rector of UIC Barcelona, Dr Xavier Gil, unveiled the work Universitas painted by the artist Cinta Vidal on the Barcelona Campus of the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (UIC Barcelona).

The project was carried out in two separate spaces of the University: the entrance gate on the Barcelona Campus and the front facade of the Aula Magna. The mural depicts the University as a space where knowledge is created, using a dynamic composition that plays with the perspective and gravity of the elements. The different disciplines taught at UIC Barcelona and education in general are portrayed, along with the diversity of the university community.

The initiative was carried out in collaboration with UIC Barcelona School of Architecture and is part of the UIC Barcelona project “Impars”, supporting contemporary art and promoting the talent of the creative community.

Cinta Vidal

Barcelona, 1982. Illustrator and muralist. Her training began at the age of 16 at the Castells Planas Scenography Studio. She studied a Higher Level Vocational Training Course in Illustration at Barcelona's Escola Massana. She won the 2018 Gráffica Awards. She has collaborated with Thinkspace Gallery in Los Angeles, Arts Projects Gallery in Hong Kong, Colossal in Chicago and Beinart Gallery in Australia. She currently freelances for advertising agencies and individuals.