
Associate lecturer Ricardo M. Jiménez publishes his new book ‘Comunicar en la Universidad y en la vida profesional’

The book, aimed both at university students on any degree programme and professionals, went on sale this week

Associate lecturer at the Faculty of Humanities and the Faculty of Law at UIC Barcelona, Ricardo-M. Jiménez-Yáñez, has just published Comunicar en la Universidad y en la vida profesional a theoretical and practical book that presents the keys to writing and speaking clearly, precisely and correctly, aimed at university students from any degree programme, as well as professionals.

The book, which went on sale this week, highlights the importance of knowing how to express ideas in the best way in different contexts: from writing an exam, a report or an academic essay to writing emails, including recommendations to efficiently argue in written and spoken form, and to speak in public fluently and with conviction.

Jiménez worked on the book over the past few years and wrote it based on his experiences both in the classroom and in writing workshops for professionals. The book includes various arguments provided by UIC Barcelona Humanities degree students who put the concepts tackled by the author into practice. 

Ricardo-M. Jiménez-Yáñez is a lecturer for the Bachelor’s degree in Humanities, the Bachelor’s degree in Law and the Master’s degree in the Legal Profession and has more than three decades of experience as a teacher both in classrooms and in writing workshops. His first book Escribir bien es de justicia (2016), is now in its second edition.