
Attitude: the Key to a Successful Career

On Thursday, 10 May 2012, a new conference was organized by the e-World group, which was initiated by students from the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences. During the conference, the title of which was "So I've got the degree. Now what?", Juan Carlos Fontcuberta, a coach from Impulso Business Coaching, talked about the importance of self-awareness in one's professional career.

"Now what?"
This is the question that all students ask themselves when they finish their
university studies. To tackle the question, Fontcuberta
encouraged the students at the conference to reflect on their behaviour. He
said, “The main ingredient for success is attitude. Everything depends on it.
Things will go well or badly depending on your approach at the outset”.

to Fontcuberta, this is why the role of
professional coach is so vital. He told the students, "Professional
coaches can help you forget the things you take for granted, lose the can't-do
attitude and face up to what you have to do". He explained that coaches aim to help people “overcome the
limitations they impose on themselves” and went on to say, “To improve, you
need to get to know yourselves and find out which things you can improve upon”.

you have to know yourself before others can know who you are. The Impulso coach
then added, “In the future, you'll have to know how to sell yourselves. How do
you achieve this? By daring to change”. It is the only way of building a future
in the professional world and securing the clients you need. “No one is going
to come knocking at your door. You'll have to go out and find clients”, he told
the students.

You have to
want to better yourselves. He concluded by saying, “You must change your way of
thinking and leave your comfort zone”. Only then can you succeed in the future.