
Baena Presents Book Dedicated to BCQ Architects

On Thursday, 22 November 2012, David Baena, the Head of the Technical Area and a professor of construction in the ESARQ School of Architecture, presented the book dedicated to the work of the architecture studio BCQ Arquitectes, of which he is a co-founder. It was published by the Spanish architecture journal «TC Cuadernos».

The book presentation took place at the BCQ office. During the ceremony
there was a roundtable discussion was held on the topic "How to Grow in
Times of Crisis" and led by Pere Riera (from the
architecture studio RGA Arquitectes), Joan Pla (the Director of Servihabitat) and Anatxu Zabalbeascoa (a journalist and art historian).

The speakers reflected on how to create activity, opportunities and growth
in the areas of projects, promotion and construction in Barcelona today. The
roundtable was organized for architects as well as cultural agents,
politicians, promoters, industrialists and business people. Prominent figures from
public and private development firms, members of Barcelona City Council and
other public institutions, business people, industrialists and architects were
all in attendance.

The book deals
with the projects carried out by BCQ in recent years. As explained by journalist
Zabalbeascoa in the prologue, “The associates of BCQ (David Baena, Toni Casamor, Maria Taltavull and Manel Peribáñez) create architecture
with a wide range of registers, typologies, formal solutions and materials.
Given this diversity, which is realistic as well as ambitious, the one attribute
that all their projects have in common is precision in construction, a characteristic
that focuses on using the right material in the right way with the common goal
of providing a service to people by constructing buildings that are here to

David Baena and Toni Casamor created the BCQ studio
for architecture, landscape and urbanism in 1991, and were later joined by associates
Peribáñez and Maria Taltavull. They have
combined their work in project design and construction with teaching in the
most important architecture schools in Catalonia and other parts of the world,
such as Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich (ETH) in Switzerland and the Facoltà di
Architettura di Alghero in Sardinia, Italy. Baena is currently the Director of the Technical Area and a
professor of construction at the ESARQ School of Architecture and Casamor has been the president of the Barcelona office of the Association of
Architects of Catalonia since 2010.

Their top projects include the design for the marina and the commercial
buildings constructed for the 2004 Barcelona International Forum of Cultures, the
Plaza de la Villa in Madrid (2003), the Olot municipal
sports complex (2010) and the Social Security Fund office building in Barcelona’s
Gothic Quarter (2011). They are currently working on the construction stage of
the Joan
Maragall Library in Barcelona’s Sant Gervasi district and the design of a school in Cervelló, outside Barcelona. They have won several architecture awards, most
importantly the AJAC Award for young architects in 2002 and the first place prize
for Public Promotion Architecture at the Vallès Architecture
Biennial Awards.