
Barcelona Ceramics, Outstanding Performance by ASCER Ceramics Chair on 10th Anniversary

On Thursday, 13 November 2014, the UIC Barcelona’s ESARQ School of Architecture launched the Barcelona Ceramics Exhibition at the Architects’ Association of Catalonia (COAC). The exhibition includes over 20 ceramic pieces that celebrate the 10th anniversary of the UIC’s Ceramics Chair, which came to being thanks to the efforts of the Spanish Ceramic Tile Manufacturers’ Association (ASCER).

The exhibition includes pieces crafted by ESARQ students and overseen by the ceramics teaching staff.  Specifically, the exhibition consists of 20 original formats that combine rigorous technique with creative emotion and were designed for new applications in the field of architecture. Some of these designs are under patent or utility model protection.

Most of the innovative pieces on display at Barcelona Ceramics at one point caught the attention of specialized press and publications, and even won competitions within the Chair.  Some were recognized in the in the Cevisama Lab International Design Competition’s category for best designed ceramic piece. In fact, the Barcelona Ceramic Chair has set an unthinkable record by winning prizes and honourable mentions for 10 years straight.

“The exhibition shows the enthusiasm and passion that ESARQ students have put into their ceramic work”, said Barcelona Ceramics Chair Director Vicenç Sarrablo, an architect specialized in ceramics. Sarrablo thanked ASCER for trusting in the Chair from its earliest stages, as well as “all of the fellow travellers who came along on this journey”, including professionals, businesses, and the whole team involved in the Chair.

“The ceramics world wanted to make itself known to architects. Up until then there wasn’t commitment on the architect’s part. Innovation in the field was in the hands of engineers. First, students needed to be taught architecture. Second, they needed to communicate to the ceramics industry what architects could bring to the sector”, explained Sarrablo. He thanked architect Carlos Ferrater, who was at the event, for the support he gave the Chair when its initiative was still in its infancy, and potter Antoni Cumella for making the trays on which the pieces were displayed.

ASCER communication director Ana Martínez gave special thanks to the students who had passed through the Chair and “had become professionals who incorporate ceramics as a fundamental part of their projects”. She encouraged the Chair to continue moving in this direction and to celebrate “another 10 years together with the network of chairs we’ve created”.

Also present at the event was the Catalan newscaster and self-declared ceramics enthusiast Òscar Dalmau, who lauded the exhibition. The Dean of the COAC, Lluís Comerón, welcomed attendees to “the architects’ house”. Lecturers Cristina Castelao and Jordi Roviras, whom Sarrablo called “the Chair’s alma mater”, explained the prototypes on display to the audience.

Over 150 people attended the event, including ESARQ students and alumni as well as architecture and design professionals. Also in attendance was the Rector of the UIC Barcelona, Dr. Pere Alavedra, who praised the work the chair had done over the course of its 10 intense years. He concluded with a toast, noting that the Chair was the oldest of those currently at the UIC and the first of the eight that make up ASCER network of chairs. 

The Barcelona Ceramics Exhibition was at the COAC until Thursday, 20 November 2014, after which point it travelled to the Cevisama Fair in Valencia and then to the University of Liverpool School of Architecture, among other venues.