
Bayona: 'May the Plots in Your Lives Intertwine With the Plots in Your Work'

On Friday, 7 June 2013, the film director Juan Antonio Bayona was the keynote speaker at the graduation ceremony of the first graduating classes in the Bachelor's Degree Programmes in Advertising and Public Relations and Audiovisual Communication.

The ceremony was presided over by Iván Lacasa, the Dean of the Faculty of Communication Sciences, and Vice Deans Dr. Pilar Buil, the Head of Studies for the Degree in Advertising and Public Relations, and Dr. Ricard Mamblona, the Head of Studies for the Degree in Audiovisual Communication.

“Advertising is used for the effective management of companies and contributes to turning an institution’s mission into a reality. Deep down, it’s not about advertising campaigns, but about communication, which helps create bridges between an organization and its audiences”, Dr. Buil told the Advertising and Public Relations students. She reminded them that their time at university was not a workshop in “professional training”, but an experience that taught them to appreciate the importance of an advertising agent’s work and realize that “not everything is the same, fleeting and subjective”.

Dr. Ricard Mamblona spoke to the Audiovisual Communication students about the need to “make decisions”, even though at times “the world doesn’t understand you”. He reminded them that being misunderstood should be seen as an obstacle that “makes you stronger”. Mamblona took the time to highlight the attributes of each student in the graduating class and encouraged them to return to the university whenever they wished. “The doors of the faculty are always open”, he said.

In his keynote address, film director Juan Antonio Bayona told the students: “There are some basic tools, but in the end what matters is you and what you do with them. Don’t just apply a formula because it’s useless on its own”. Bayona emphasized that having a good personal story was essential to making a good film. “May the plots in your lives intertwine with the plots in your work”.

Juan Antonio Bayona is the director of films such as The Impossible, nominated for an Academy Award and winner of five Goya Awards, and The Orphanage, winner of seven Goya Awards.

Finally, Iván Lacasa, the Dean of the Faculty of Communication Sciences, addressed the new graduates. “The last four years have been a collaboration and this should continue”, he said. He encouraged them to return to the UIC whenever they wished.

At the graduation ceremony, the students received their diplomas, heard moving speeches by the student representatives and joined in singing the traditional Gaudeamus Igitur.