
Boi Ruiz Closes Master's Programme in Health Management with Talk on Economic Crisis in Healthcare Sector

On Saturday, 29 June 2013, Catalan Health Minister Dr. Boi Ruiz closed the third edition of the UIC Master's Degree Programme in Healthcare Management (MUGS) on the Sant Cugat campus.

The ceremony began with the students presenting their final projects, which will also be presented to the assessment tribunal in September.

Following the presentations, Dr. Albert Balaguer, the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, welcomed the minister in the presence of the students; a large group of professors and health directors; Dr. Xavier Corbella, the director of the MUGS; Dr. Marta Elorduy, the Coordinator of the Master’s programme and Director of Medicine; and Alberto Canals, the Manager of the UIC.

Minister Boi Ruiz then gave a talk in which he discussed the state of the healthcare sector in the current economic crisis, assessed the measures the Health Ministry has put into place in recent years, and outlined the healthcare reorganization plans that the ministry would like to carry out at the level of care as well as funding.

After his talk, there was an open question and answer session that was set up to allow students to ask the minister direct questions regarding questions that may have come up over the course of the academic year. This gave rise to an interesting debate about the current state of the main issues in health policy and public health.

The Master’s Degree Programme in Healthcare Management offers an applied overview of the healthcare industry that enables students to take on responsibilities in healthcare management, managing functional areas and services, and professional team leadership at healthcare centres.