
Book Analyses Key University Topics

On Monday, 11 February 2013, the book Ciència i universitat a Catalunya. Projecció de futur, which was posted on line, was presented at an event presided over by Joandomènec Ros, the Vice President of the Institute for Catalan Studies (IEC). Albert Arbós, the Dean of the Faculty of Education, wrote one of the chapters.

Ciència i
universitat a Catalunya. Projecció de futur
(Science and University in
Catalonia: A Vision of the Future) aims to be a tool for the Catalan science
and university communities. Its objective is to generate debate and reflection
to help contribute to public opinion. The book provides a critical analysis of
key questions related to the university system, research, the transfer of
technology and knowledge, and the challenges Catalonia will face in the future.

book can be downloaded from the
and is the result of the collaboration of thirteen leading scientists in
a number of different fields. It includes the reflections of experts such as Albert
Arbós, the
Dean of the UIC Faculty of Education; Pere Arús, the scientific director of the
Institute for Research and Technology in Food and Agriculture (IRTA); Eudald
Carbonell, a
professor at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili and the director of the Catalan
Institute for Human Paleoecology and Social Evolution (IPHES); David de
Lorenzo, the director of the Rare Genomics Institute and a nutrigenomics
entrepreneur; Roderic Guigó, a professor at Universitat
Pompeu Fabra and
a researcher at the Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG); David Jou, a professor
of Condensed Matter Physics at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB); Ramon Pascual, a
researcher at the UAB Institute for High Energy Physics and the ALBA
synchrotron; Josep A. Planell, a professor of Materials Science and Metallurgical
Engineering at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya; Pere
the director of the Centre for Research in Agrigenomics (CRAG) and a researcher
at the Molecular Biology Institute of Barcelona (IBMB-CSIC); Jesús Purroy, the
scientific director of Barcelona Science Park (PCB-UB); Diego Redolar, a
professor at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya; Sergi Sabater, a professor of Ecology at
the Institute of Aquatic Ecology of the Universitat de Girona; and Eduard Vieta, the
head of the Department of Psychiatry and Clinical Psychobiology at the Universitat
de Barcelona
(UB) Faculty of Medicine and an expert at Hospital Clínic in Barcelona.

book was published by UB professor David Bueno with a prologue by Claudi Mans,
an emeritus professor of Chemical Engineering at the UB. The two professors
participated in the presentation ceremony, which was held in the Prat de
Riba Room at
the IEC.