
Business owners, governments and scientists reach an agreement for a report on 50 measures for a sustainable and resilient socio-economic transition in Catalonia

Lorenzo Chelleri is the scientific director spearheading this initiative, which proposes a series of measures to help rebuild the economy following the Covid-19 crisis

The lecturer from UIC Barcelona School of Architecture, Lorenzo Chelleri, acted as scientific director for the creation of the report Propuestas para una transición socioeconómica sostenible y resiliente (Proposals for a sustainable and resilient socio-economic transition). The initiative has been launched jointly between the Catalunya Europa Foundation, BBVA, the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona and Barcelona City Council.

The document was published this weekend in La Vanguardia and outlines 50 transformative proposals for combating climate and healthcare emergencies from the world of business and public administration. These measures include acceleration mechanisms for transitioning towards renewable energies, changes to licenses and town planning to install electric vehicle charging stations, measures to decentralise water management systems and the creation of green infrastructures for reducing the impact of heat waves. 

“This is a response to current emergencies with sustainable and transformative strategies. The proposals encompass regional sectors and dimensions that aim to create an urban, decentralised and sustainable development and management model that implicates energy co-production and the circular economy. The initiative aligns pending challenges regarding the climate emergency with economic recovery measures to help in the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic”, explains the lecturer.

The proposals set out in the report were drafted off the back of business meetings with experts and scientists from around the world and over the course of several years, as part of the Re-City project. The Government of Catalonia is also in agreement with the report, alongside other local government bodies and business and union representatives.