
Carlos González, director of TVE Catalunya, gives a talk to Audiviosual Communication students

The director of TVE Catalunya, Carles González, recently gave a talk to 3rd year Audiviosual Communication students.  As part of a workshop undertaken with students taking the Television Production and Directing subject, González watched a television programme made by the students and congratulated them for their hard work. 

Students taking the Television Production and Directing subject each took on a different role and in a responsible and independent manner filmed and edited various pieces, thus creating a television programme all together. 

Called “Wake Up Barcelona” the programme covered a variety of themes: from a news item on a football match played at Camp Nou, to interviewing the director of the Barcelona Open tennis trophy, and a visit to the State Meteorological Agency. They talked about issues such as politics or taxis, from a more social perspective.

After observing and analysing the work undertaken by the students, Carlos González congratulated them: “You did a good job. You got involved in all the processes and that is really good”. He encouraged the students to “continue to create”. Cristina Pampín, the lecturer for this subject, was equally satisfied with their work.