
Carlos Rey: Tribute to Criminal Law Enthusiast

On Monday, 18 June 2012, the UIC Graduate Hall hosted a very intimate and moving ceremony celebrating the retirement from teaching of Dr. Carlos Rey, a UIC professor of Criminal Law.

The ceremony was attended by around fifty people, including relatives, friends and colleagues of Dr. Rey as well as academics. Dr. Guillermo Benlloch, a current UIC professor of Criminal Law and a Magistrates Court judge, gave an account of professor Rey’s career. Benlloch paid homage to his colleague’s kind nature and told some anecdotes about these last years of teaching and research. “Dr. Carlos Rey’s enthusiasm for criminal law is so contagious that he has been able to transmit it to generation after generation of students”, he said.

Dr. Javier Junceda, the Dean of the Faculty of Law, emphasized Professor Rey’s willingness to collaborate with anything that would benefit the quality of the UIC Law Programme and expressed his wish to be able to count on Dr. Rey’s wise advice in the future.

Finally, Dr. Rey himself gave the closing remarks. Apart from thanking his family for their support, he also summed up his career from its beginnings in 1972 to the present day and explained the history of the UIC and its origins in the Institute for Legal and Economic Studies (INEDE) and the Family Development Centre (FERT).

Many prestigious lawyers turned out for the ceremony, including the first graduating class to have Dr. Rey as a professor. In recognition of Dr. Rey’s many years of service, Dr. Pere Alavedra, the UIC Rector, awarded him the UIC Medal at the end of the ceremony.