
Carme Miró Explains Latest Trends in Public Relations to Advertising Students

The founding partner of the Apple Tree Communications agency gave a talk on trends in public relations agencies for the UIC’s Advertising and Public Relations students on Tuesday, 2 December 2014.

The talk took place as part of History and Theory of Advertising and Public Relations subject taught by Professor Pilar Buil.

Throughout her lecture, Miró reflected on the various makes and models of agencies in the management and strategic communication sector, and paused to dwell on the differences in the industry between public relations and advertising.

The speaker also mentioned the challenges of building a solid reputation for a brand and illustrated these challenges with examples from some of her most emblematic campaigns.

She also introduced her role in the Association of Communication and Public Relations Consultancy Companies (ADECEC) within the scope of agencies in this industry.

Carme Miró is a founding member of the Apple Tree Communications agency. She has more than twenty years of experience as a marketing strategies consultant (Monitor and Cluster Consulting) and has developed her professional career in countries across the globe, most notably in the United Kingdom, the United States, Switzerland, France, and countries in Southern Africa, in addition to Spain. She is currently a member of the board at ADECEC and a consultant on the International Board of Advisors at MIT.