
Catalan Design Icon Miguel Milá Kicks Off New Object Design Subject at ESARQ School of Architecture

In the graduate hall, at 4 p.m. on Wednesday, 18 February 2015, Miguel Milá kicked off a new subject to be taught in the ESARQ School of Architecture’s: Object Design, led by Aitor Fuentes and Igor Urdampilleta, members of the Aquitectura G studio.

This subject responds to the interscholastic profile of the architect and explores the scale of objects, in which architects have traditionally played an important role.

In this subject, students have to design an object. This year, they will design a chimney. Students’ projects will be evaluated by guests from outside the School of Architecture.

The subject includes lectures by noted professionals who work in object design. In February these conversations got started with a lecture by Miguel Milá, part of the generation of design pioneers that emerged in the 1950s. Over the years his furniture and lamps have become true classics. Milá was awarded the first ever National Design Award in 1987 and has been the recipient of six FAD awards for architecture. In 2008 he was honoured with the ADI Compasso D’Oro.