
Catalan Election Analysed in Political Science and Public Administration Degree Course

Àngels Pont, the director of the Office of Social and Opinion Studies (GESOP), has analysed the results of the Catalan election as part of the lecture and debate programme on the Political Science and Public Administration degree course.

GESOP director discussed the election results based on the initial questions
posed by the office before the electoral process: Will the independence debate lead
to increased electoral participation? Will CiU secure an absolute majority? How
much of a decline will the PSC experience? And lastly, what will happen with
the minority parties?

other aspects, the presentation revealed the key to understanding the
differences between the initial election predictions and the actual results,
and how, in the weeks following the announcement of the election, achieving an
absolute majority became less likely for CiU. Pont highlighted the political volatility
of the electorate and the fact that many of the votes were decided at the last
moment, in the 24 hours before the election took place. She also talked about
the difficulty of carrying out accurate predictions when the differences in the
number of votes were minimal, as was the case between the second and third

Diana Cuadros introduced GESOP as one of the most
influential research offices dedicated to the analysis of public opinion in
Catalonia and said that it is particularly notable for its transparency and
objectivity when carrying out data analysis. This is borne out by its extensive
list of public and private clients, as well as its constant presence in the