
The Challenges of Sustainable Development According to Three Faculty of Education Lecturers

Asun Verdera, Carme Balaguer and Maite Fuertes, lecturers in the UIC Barcelona Faculty of Education, collaborated on the publication of a chapter in the book Líneas emergentes en la investigación de vanguardia (Emerging Lines of Cutting-Edge Research), which outlines proposals and different viewpoints regarding emerging social, economic and cultural situations in society.

The chapter addresses sustainability, which is currently at the top of the agenda for many international, national and local organizations. The authors argue that to achieve genuine sustainable development, it is not enough merely to implement political, social and economic measures; a change in attitude towards today’s lifestyle is also required.

For the authors of the chapter, education is an excellent resource for setting up a sustainable future.

The chapter, titled Estilos de vida sostenible en la educación superior (Sustainable Lifestyles in Higher Education), is a study on the possibility of training university students to plan, confront and resolve threats in environmental, social and economic areas through skills and virtues.