
Chilean public servants undertake a training programme to develop a model of primary care with a family and community perspective delivered on the Sant Cugat Campus

The Chilean Government, within its “Programme of Extraordinary Initiatives of Staff Training and Development of Public Servants in Municipal Primary Health Care" chose UIC Barcelona to provide the training

During the month of October, 30 public servants from the Chilean Primary Care administrative departments together with healthcare professionals completed a training programme taught by the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences in cooperation with the Chilean company Nuxam. The main aim of this initiative is to make service provision more accessible, equitable and of an improved quality, therefore meeting patients’ expectations. In addition, the programme seeks to strengthen the appraisal of and the level of commitment of public servants through the high-quality, appropriateness and continuity of care of patients and of the community they care for.
The programme, which was run for three weeks in October, comprised theory, workshops and practical activities in healthcare centres. The initiative was supported by the UIC Barcelona Chair of Health Management and Health Policies, the Instituto Universitario de Pacientes, the EAP Sardenya Centre Universitari, Fundación Hospital de Granollers and Sabadell Gent Gran de la Corporación Parc Taulí. 
The programme placed particular emphasis on multidisciplinary care, care of older people with chronic disease, an integral approach to migrants, as well as mental health care within Primary Care. 
This teaching experience will have continuity, throughout the month of November, through training programme for primary care nurses in Chile that has the same objectives.