
Close of the first edition of the course in Social Entrepreneurship

In the course taught by Ramon Bastida, the students got a taster of aspects relevant to creating and managing social enterprises as well as tools used in economic theory and business administration.

The focus of the course was both theoretical – by reading articles from specialist journals – and practical – using case studies and analysing a company. Over the course of these months, the students found out why cooperatives and other social-economy organisations exist in market economies; how they are managed; their corporate governance; recruitment, appraisal and motivation of employees; and how cooperation is promoted within the company. They were also able to analyse the competitive position of the companies. 

In addition to their lectures, the students attended sessions led by different senior executives in social enterprises. Each of these guest lecturers focused on different aspects of enterprise. Moreover, a round table discussion was held on 5 October around social enterprise and entrepreneurship with Ivan Loza, from Food print, Eugenia Gargallo, from Future. U Club, Beatriz de Diabetes and Juli Silvestre from Entrem-hi. During the round table discussion, topics were addressed such as the social enterprise model, change management, funding, social impact or legal aspects to be taken into account. 

On 19 October, Toni Codina, from the organisation Taula del Tercer Sector Social, also gave a session on networking and alliances in the third sector. On 30 November, Mauricio O’Brien, from Goteo, presented the crowdfunding and matchfunding models to fund social projects. 

The students finished their course by developing a project where they had to come up with solutions to real problems facing social entrepreneurs. The students presented their projects in the final week of the course.