
The College of Journalists, the Information Council and eleven Catalan universities defend the Code of Ethics as a key tool for democratic quality

El Col·legi de Periodistes de Catalunya, el Consell de la Informació i les onze universitats que imparteixen estudis de Periodisme i comunicació a Catalunya, considerem que el Codi Deontològic és clau per afrontar els reptes de la nova era de la comunicació i contribuir, així, a la qualitat democràtica.

The Association of Journalists of Catalonia, the Council of Information and the eleven universities that offer studies in Journalism and Communication in Catalonia, consider that the Code of Ethics is key to facing the challenges of the new era of communication and thus contribute to democratic quality.

The digital era offers great opportunities for journalism, and at the same time sets out complex challenges that challenge society as a whole. The vast majority of the media have found in networks the support necessary to strengthen the responsible journalism they practice. But networks also circulate fake news, rumours, prejudices, hate messages, manipulation and intoxication campaigns, and appeals to emotion above any truthfulness. Thus, they contribute to polarising society, limiting citizens’ critical thinking about reality, generating platforms of interest under the appearance of mediators of communication, and making the exercise of journalism more precarious.

In this situation, honest and responsible journalism is more necessary than ever. The ethical challenge of journalism is the active struggle against misinformation and the spread of lies; the construction of spaces of credibility and trust that provide rigorous and truthful information to citizens, spaces that never contribute to discrimination or to the promotion of prejudice or hatred. In short, the values of journalism that are the essence of the Code of Ethics that the College of Journalists of Catalonia approved in 1992, and which it expanded in 2016.

Therefore, we consider the Code of Ethics to be the main tool journalism has available to exercise its service to society. The challenge is to ensure compliance, in the interests of democratic quality. In this sense, we would like to share three thoughts:

The Information Council of Catalonia (CIC), in which journalists, the media and civil society are represented, is the institution that ensures compliance with the Code of Ethics. The CIC, created in 1997, responds to the willingness of journalists and the media to self-regulate. We need to have sufficient resources to be able to exercise the work entrusted to us by society, and to ensure its resolutions are effective. The ICC performs a public function and, as such, has to have the institutional support of the administrations, so as to guarantee their existence and respect their resolutions.

Universities that teach Journalism and Communication studies commit themselves to ensuring the Code of Ethics is a key part of their students’ education. Also so that research in the field of ethics can be shared with the profession. In this regard, we decided to hold a joint conference between the academic and professional world in November to tackle the challenges of journalism together. Likewise, the faculties are looking into ways to ensure the Code of Ethics is very much present during student’s graduations.

The media plays a social role and therefore it is legitimate and necessary for it to receive public aid. But the granting of public money can never be based on criteria without transparency, that is partisan or those that respond to interests that have nothing to do with journalism. To the extent that a lack of equity in the distribution of institutional advertising can distort free competition and limit essential plurality. We defend criteria based on service to society and not the audience at any price because, in practice, there is a risk of encouraging, clickbait, 'junk content', oir polarised discourses with public money, that violate the Code of Ethics.

The signatory institutions reaffirm our commitment to independent journalism that brings rigour and interpretative capacity in the face of misinformation and the spread of lies. To defend freedom of expression, and in turn of information and the press. To democratic values and human rights. To preserve the rights and dignity of journalists.

That is why we appeal to journalists, media editors, society and administrations to build a media ecosystem in Catalonia based on respect for the Code of Ethics and the system of self-regulation that guarantees its fulfilment.


Barcelona, 26 October 2021

Universities that adhere to the defence of the Code of Ethics as a key tool for democratic quality:

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona(UAB)

Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)

Open University of Catalonia (UOC)

Ramon Llull University- Blanquerna

University of Barcelona UB

Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (UIC Barcelona)

Abad Oliva University (UAO)

University of Vic (UVIC)

University of Girona (UdG)

Universitat de Lleida (UdL)

Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)