
Communication and Marketing Directors Form Panel for Final Advertising Projects

On Monday and Tuesday, 27-28 May 2013, fourth-year Advertising and Public Relations students presented their final projects. Among the members of the panel of experts assessing the projects were the communication and marketing directors of the same companies that were studied.

During the academic year, the students, led by professors Mercedes Ezpeleta, América Vallejo, Ramón Roqueta and Juan Pablo Huizi, carried out two projects: one that involved the skills and aptitudes needed in public relations and another that required students to enhance the creative skills and other aptitudes directly related to advertising.

For the first project, some students worked on launching campaigns for a new luxury hotel from the company Hoteles Husa, while others worked on promotional campaigns for the singer Sara Pi from Sony Music.

For the second project, the students had to prepare advertising campaigns for the restaurant chain Viena, the beer Estrella de Levante and the Catalan Blood and Tissue Bank.

In the presentation of the projects, the judging panels of experts were made up of the directors of the brands with which the students had worked. The panel for the public relations projects included Elena Bueno, the Director of Marketing for Hoteles HUSA, and Maria José Bertrán, the Director of Marketing for Sony Music. For the advertising projects, the panel was made up of Aurora Massip, the Managing Director of Communication and Marketing for the Catalan Blood and Tissue Bank; Daniel Idígoras, the Director of Marketing for Cerveza Keler; and Maribel Romero, the Director of Marketing for Estrella de Levante.