
Cryptocurrencies and blockchain: a phenomenon growing “in leaps and bounds”

The Faculty organised a new session in which the three economists tackled the emergence of this system in society

How does the application and use of cryptocurrencies affect society?  And blockchain technology? On 12 April, the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences organised a new session involving three experts who provided a response to these questions. 

Economists and lecturers Pablo Agnese (UIC Barcelona), Ángel López (UAB) and Luz Parrondo (UPF) held a debate on the different approaches to this economic phenomenon. The debate revolved around five areas of influence (economics, technology, business, politics and society) in relation to which they put forward their own points of view to attendees.  

Agnese stated that the speakers agreed on various issues, such as the fact that “this phenomenon now in its first years of existence is both disruptive and growing in leaps and bounds”.  They also coincided when indicating that it is a “positive system in society”.  Differences of opinion arose in relation to how governments and the financial sector should act and how society and executives should adapt to these changes. 

It is the second session the Faculty has dedicated exclusively to cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology.  In the first one, held on 7 February, Agnese participated along with UIC Barcelona lecturer Gabriel Fernández, and Ángel López, Applied Economics lecturer at the UAB, and also Digital Challenge director at Banc Sabadell, Montse Guardia.