
Curiel Analyses Virtues of J.S. Mill in Lecture for Secondary School Students

Professor Martí Curiel was entrusted with delivering the second lecture in the Faculty of Humanities' Philosophy Seminar, which is targeted specifically at secondary school students. During the lecture «The Virtues of John Stuart Mill», Curiel presented Mill's philosophy using an approach that focused on its virtues.

The speaker
began by describing John Stuart Mill’s life and career in philosophy with the
aim of helping the audience see the connections between the creation of his
utilitarian theory and the personal and historical events that shaped his life.
Prof. Curiel also discussed Mill’s specific ideas about ethics, virtue and
utilitarianism by comparing his ideas to those of previous authors to provide a
clear illustration of the novelty of Mill’s contributions at the time.

The lecture was
attended by more than 50 people, most of whom were secondary school students
from different institutions. It was the second lecture in the Philosophy
Seminar organized by the Faculty of Humanities and coordinated by Dr. Magda Bosch.