
David Ledesma: "You need education for a base of knowledge, but it’s your attitude that makes the difference"

David Ledesma (Journalism '03) is the new marketing director for Grandvalira ski resort in Andorra. From the time he started university, his goal was: "To be like a sponge and absorb all knowledge". One day, Ledesma was at a friend's house and saw a skiing magazine lying on his bedside table. It was Solo Nieve (“Only Snow”), by the Alesport publishing group, based in Barcelona. "I didn't think twice about sending them an email that very afternoon," he explains. That was the starting point of Ledesma’s path to become the new marketing director of Grandvalira.

What led you to study journalism?

I am one of those people who, since I was young, had always dreamed about going off to cover international conflicts and tell the world the truth about what was happening in Bosnia, Afghanistan, the Gulf War or Somalia. My influences were Manu Leguineche, Gervasio Sánchez, Ramón Lobo, Alfonso Rojo, Arturo Pérez-Reverte or Miguel Gil who died in Sierra Leone and to whom his colleagues dedicated a book called Los ojos de la guerra: I've read and reread it. In fact, it's still there on the shelf above my bed.

You can reed this interview at addingstories.com.