
Dean Javier Junceda reviews the statutes of the North American Language Academy

Dr Javier Junceda, Dean of UIC Barcelona's Faculty Law, has just finished a legal review of the statutes of the North American Academy of the Spanish Language, commissioned by its directors

Unlike the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) which is governed by general Statutes and an Implementing Regulation, the North American Academy has a single regulatory text, which consists of a fusion of the operative part of the two RAE standards, a structure that is divided for mainly historical reasons. 

In his legal review, Junceda proposed a number of statutory changes to the substance and form of the articles which have already been submitted to the governing bodies of the Academy for their approval. 

Javier Junceda has been a corresponding academician to the North American Language Academy since last June and the only lawyer amongst its members. The Academy, founded in 1973, is the most influential institution in respect of the correct use of Spanish in the United States, a country in which it is the second language in terms of numbers of speakers and which is officially recognised in numerous states, with the current number of speakers being forty-two million. 

Junceda's role in the Academy focuses on the study and dissemination of Spanish throughout the United States' legal system, in pursuance of which he takes part in a variety of activities, amongst them the production of a glossary of legal terms in Spanish to be used in the US legal field, an ambitious initiative of the Governing Board who aim to facilitate the use of Spanish in legal matters. 

In addition to his membership of this Language Academy, Junceda is a corresponding member of the Royal Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation and a full member of the Royal Academy of Jurisprudence of the Principality of Asturias.