
Debating techniques with the director of Catalan Television

Third year students discovered how political debates on television work through the insight provided by Vicent Sanchis

Third year Bachelor’s Degree in Humanities students were able to talk to the director of the Catalan Public Television Channel, Vicent Sanchis, in a session that formed part of the Debating Techniques subject taught by lecturer Hortènsia Galí. During the lecture, students were able to learn at first hand from the person who moderated the latest political debates on Catalan public television, how a meeting of this type works and how the representatives of the different political groups express themselves.  At the end of the session, students were able to ask questions about the internal functioning of high politics through a question and answer session.

The aim behind the Debating Techniques subject is to ensure that students can acquire sufficient communicative skills to transmit knowledge clearly, and provide arguments and counter-arguments based on logic.